Seeking help from a mental health professional is often overwhelming and tedious, with many not knowing where to even begin and giving up before they even begin. This need inspired our Global Practitioner Registry (GPR) with the intention to help both the seeker (clients) and practitioner.

Helping the practitioner: by allowing them to attract potential seekers who are aligned with them and the ability to share how they implement the method in their practice. Essentially what makes them unique.

Helping the seeker: to easily find the help they need. By having access to practitioners with a different philosophy than traditional psychotherapy/counselling/coaching and someone who lives in their country/speaks their native language and possibly shares their belief system.

Practitioners to maintain their certification status
with fellow practitioners
Connecting with seekers (new clients)

The Play of Life, like any tool has to be used and played with to keep it’s  ensure our practitioners are comfortable with the use of the method, applyin and as such every 12 months we require practitioners to have either:

a) had a minimum of 2 hours of supervision (either individual or group) with Dr. Carlos. These supervision hours can also be used for other associations (check your association to be sure). 


b) Enrolled/completed another level of Play of Life training e.g. Level 2 or 3.  

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With the registry, practitioners can choose to make their profile public and share their current availability for new clients. 

  • share their skill set,
  • show how they apply the method in their practice (how they integrate it with other methods) e.g. EMDR or Art Therapy etc. 
  • their specialty e.g., trauma, PTSD, etc. 
  • show their availability so that people can contact them if they’d like to pursue counselling/therapy/coaching. (coming soon)
  • Languages they speak,
  • modes of therapy e.g., face-to-face and/or Zoom 
  • and social platforms to connect. 

Practitioners can choose what and how much they share on the platform.